IT6501                                          GRAPHICS AND MULTIMEDIA                                         L T P  C
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The student should be made to:
  • Develop an  understanding  and  awareness  of  how  issues  such  as  content,  information architecture, motion, sound, design, and technology merge to form effective and compelling interactive experiences for a wide range of audiences and end users.
  • Be familiar with various software programs used in the creation and implementation of multi- media (interactive, motion/animation, presentation, etc.).
  • Be aware of current issues relative between new emerging electronic technologies and graphic design (i.e. social, cultural, cognitive, etc).
understand the relationship between critical analysis and the practical application of design.
  • Appreciate the importance of technical ability and creativity within design practice.

UNIT I           OUTPUT PRIMITIVES                                                                                                    9
Basic  −  Line  −  Curve  and  ellipse  drawing  algorithms  − Examples – Applications - Attributes  − Two- Dimensional geometric transformations − Two-Dimensional clipping and viewing – Input techniques.

UNIT II        THREE-DIMENSIONAL CONCEPTS                                                                               9
Three-Dimensional object representations − Three-Dimensional geometric and modeling transformations − Three-Dimensional viewing − Hidden surface elimination
− Color models – Virtual reality - Animation.

UNIT III         MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS DESIGN                                                                                 9
Multimedia  basics  −  Multimedia  applications  −   Multimedia   system  architecture  −   Evolving technologies for multimedia − Defining objects for multimedia systems − Multimedia data interface standards − Multimedia databases.

UNIT IV       MULTIMEDIA FILE HANDLING                                                                                      9
Compression and decompression − Data and file format standards − Multimedia I/O technologies − Digital voice and audio − Video image and animation − Full motion video − Storage and retrieval technologies.

UNIT V          HYPERMEDIA                                                                                                                9
Multimedia   authoring   and   user   interface  −   Hypermedia   messaging   −   Mobile messaging − Hypermedia  message  component  −  Creating  hypermedia  message  −  Integrated  multimedia message standards − Integrated document management − Distributed multimedia systems.

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:
  • Effectively and creatively solve a wide range of graphic design problems
  • Form effective and compelling interactive experiences for a wide range of audiences.
  • Use  various  software  programs  used  in  the  creation  and  implementation  of  multi-media
(interactive, motion/animation, presentation, etc.).
  • Discuss issues related to emerging electronic technologies and graphic design

  1. Donald Hearn and M.  Pauline  Baker, “Computer  Graphics  C  Version”, Pearson Education,
  1. Andleigh, P. K and Kiran Thakrar, “Multimedia Systems and Design”, PHI, 2003.

  1. Judith Jeffcoate, “Multimedia in practice: Technology and Applications”, PHI, 1998.
  2. Foley,  Vandam,   Feiner   and   Huges,   “Computer   Graphics:   Principles   and Practice”, 2nd
Edition, Pearson Education, 2003.


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