CS6502                                  OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN                       L T P  C
3  0 0  3
The student should be made to:
  • Learn the basics of OO analysis and design skills
  • Learn the UML design diagrams
  • Learn to map design to code
  • Be exposed to the various testing techniques.

UNIT I          UML DIAGRAMS                                                                                                              9
Introduction to OOAD – Unified Process - UML diagrams – Use Case – Class Diagrams– Interaction
Diagrams – State Diagrams – Activity Diagrams – Package, component and Deployment Diagrams

UNIT II          DESIGN PATTERNS                                                                                                        9
GRASP: Designing objects with responsibilities – Creator – Information expert – Low  Coupling – High Cohesion – Controller - Design Patterns – creational - factory method - structural – Bridge – Adapter - behavioral – Strategy – observer

UNIT III         CASE STUDY                                                                                                                   9
Case study – the Next Gen POS system, Inception -Use case Modeling - Relating Use cases – include, extend and generalization - Elaboration - Domain Models - Finding conceptual classes and description classes – Associations – Attributes – Domain model refinement – Finding conceptual class Hierarchies - Aggregation and Composition

UNIT IV       APPLYING  DESIGN PATTERNS                                                                                      9
System  sequence diagrams -  Relationship between  sequence diagrams  and  use  cases  Logical architecture and UML package diagram – Logical architecture refinement - UML class diagrams - UML interaction diagrams - Applying GoF design patterns

UNIT V       CODING AND TESTING                                                                                                     9
Mapping design to code – Testing: Issues in OO Testing – Class Testing – OO Integration Testing –
GUI Testing – OO System Testing

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
  • Design and implement projects using OO concepts
  • Use the UML analysis and design diagrams
  • Apply appropriate design patterns
  • Create code from design
  • Compare and contrast various testing techniques


  1. Craig Larman, "Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and
Design and Iterative Development”, Third Edition, Pearson Education, 2005.

  1. Simon Bennett,  Steve  Mc Robb  and  Ray  Farmer,  “Object  Oriented  Systems Analysis and
Design Using UML”, Fourth Edition, Mc-Graw Hill Education, 2010.
  1. Erich  Gamma,   and   Richard   Helm,   Ralph   Johnson,   John   Vlissides,  Design  patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software”, Addison-Wesley, 1995.
  2. Martin Fowler,  “UML  Distilled:  A  Brief  Guide  to  the  Standard  Object  Modeling Language”,
Third edition, Addison Wesley, 2003.
  1. Paul C.  Jorgensen,  “Software  Testing:-  A  Craftsman?s  Approach”,  Third  Edition, Auerbach
Publications, Taylor and Francis Group, 2008.


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