IT6503                                                  WEB PROGRAMMING                                                L  T P  C

                                                                           3  1  0  4

The student should be made to: 

 Understand the technologies used in Web Programming.
 Know the importance of object oriented aspects of Scripting.
 Understand creating database connectivity using JDBC.
 Learn the concepts of web based application using sockets.
UNIT I      SCRIPTING.                                                          9
Web page Designing using HTML, Scripting basics- Client side and server side scripting. Java ScriptObject,names, literals, operators and expressions- statements and features- events - windows -
documents - frames - data types - built-in functions- Browser object model - Verifying forms.-HTML5-
CSS3- HTML 5 canvas - Web site creation using tools.

UNIT II        JAVA                                                           9
Introduction to object oriented programming-Features of Java – Data types, variables and arrays –
Operators – Control statements – Classes and Methods – Inheritance. Packages and Interfaces –
Exception Handling – Multithreaded Programming – Input/Output – Files – Utility Classes – String

UNIT III JDBC                                                  9
JDBC Overview – JDBC implementation – Connection class – Statements - Catching Database
Results, handling database Queries. Networking– InetAddress class – URL class- TCP sockets - UDP
sockets, Java Beans –RMI.

UNIT IV        APPLETS                                                   9
Java applets- Life cycle of an applet – Adding images to an applet – Adding sound to an applet.
Passing parameters to an applet. Event Handling. Introducing AWT: Working with Windows Graphics
and Text. Using AWT Controls, Layout Managers and Menus. Servlet – life cycle of a servlet. The
Servlet API, Handling HTTP Request and Response, using Cookies, Session Tracking. Introduction to

UNIT V       XML AND WEB SERVICES                                                                                                9
Xml – Introduction-Form Navigation-XML Documents- XSL – XSLT- Web services-UDDI-WSDL-Java
web services – Web resources.
TOTAL (L:45+T:15): 60 PERIODS
Upon Completion of the course, the students will be able to 
 Design web pages.
 Use technologies of  Web Programming.
 Apply object oriented aspects to Scripting.
 Create databases with connectivity using JDBC.
 Build web based application using sockets.

1. Harvey Deitel, Abbey Deitel, Internet and World Wide Web: How To Program 5
2. Herbert Schildt, Java - The Complete Reference, 7
 Edition. Tata McGraw- Hill Edition.
3. Michael Morrison XML Unleashed Tech media SAMS.

1. John Pollock, Javascript - A Beginners Guide, 3
 Edition –- Tata McGraw-Hill Edition.
2. Keyur Shah, Gateway to Java Programmer Sun Certification, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002.

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