
IT6012                                     TCP/IP DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION                             L T  P C
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The student should be made to:
  • Understand the IP addressing schemes .
  • Understand the fundamentals of network design and implementation
  • Understand the design and implementation of TCP/IP networks
  • Understand on network management issues
  • Learn to design and implement network applications.

UNIT I           INTRODUCTION                                                                                                               9
Internetworking concepts and architecture model  –  classful Internet address  –  CIDR  –  Subnetting and Supernetting – AARP – RARP- IP- IP Routing – ICMP – IPV6.

UNIT II         TCP                                                                                                                                   9
Services – header – connection establishment and termination – interactive data flow  –  bulk   data flow – timeout and retransmission – persist timer – keep alive timer – futures and performance.

UNIT III        IP IMPLEMENTATION                                                                                                     9
IP global software organization –routing table–routing algorithms – fragmentation and reassembly –
error processing (ICMP) – Multicast Processing (IGMP).

UNIT IV       TCP IMPLEMENTATION I                                                                                                 9
Data structure and input processing – transmission control blocks – segment format – comparision– finite  state  machine  implementation  –  Output  processing  –  mutual   exclusion –computing   the computing the TCP Data length.

UNIT V       TCP IMPLEMENTATION  II                                                                                               9
Timers – events and messages – timer process – deleting and inserting timer event – flow control and adaptive retransmission– congestion avoidance and control – urgent data processing and push function.

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:
  • Design and implement TCP/IP networks.
  • Explain  network management issues.
  • Design and implement  network applications.
Develop   data   structures   for  basic  protocol  functions   of   TCP/IP.
  • Apply the members in the respective structures.


  • Design and implement data structures for maintaining multiple local and global timers.

  1. Douglas E Comer,”Internetworking with TCP/IP Principles, Protocols and  Architecture”,  Vol  1,
Vth  Edition  2006 and Vol 2, IIIrd  Edition, 1999.
  1. W.Richard Stevens “TCP/IP Illustrated” Vol 1. Pearson Education, 2003.

  1. 1. Forouzan, “ TCP/IP Protocol Suite” Second Edition, Tata MC Graw Hill,
  2. 2. W.Richard Stevens “TCP/IP Illustrated” Volume 2, Pearson Education 2003

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