NotesKhan ME6404 Thermal Engineering - Syllabus-Semester IV-MECH-BE-Anna University MECH SEM IV Syllabus, MECH SYLLABUS



ME6404                                          THERMAL ENGINEERING                                               L  T  P  C

3   0 0  3


  • To integrate the concepts, laws and methodologies from the first course in thermodynamics into analysis of cyclic processes
  • To apply the thermodynamic concepts into various thermal application like IC engines, Steam

Turbines, Compressors and Refrigeration and Air conditioning systems


(Use of standard refrigerant property data book, Steam Tables,  Mollier diagram and Psychrometric chart permitted)


UNIT I             GAS POWER CYCLES                                                                                                  8

Otto, Diesel, Dual, Brayton cycles, Calculation of mean effective pressure, and air standard efficiency

-  Comparison of cycles.


UNIT II            INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES                                                                          10

Classification - Components and their function. Valve timing diagram and port timing diagram - actual and theoretical p-V diagram of four stroke and two stroke engines. Simple and complete Carburettor. MPFI, Diesel pump and injector system. Battery and Magneto Ignition System - Principles of Combustion and knocking in SI and CI Engines. Lubrication and Cooling systems.   Performance calculation.


UNIT III           STEAM NOZZLES AND TURBINES                                                                              9

Flow of steam through nozzles, shapes of nozzles, effect of friction, critical pressure ratio, supersaturated flow. Impulse and Reaction principles, compounding, velocity diagram for simple and multi-stage turbines, speed regulations –Governors.


UNIT IV           AIR COMPRESSOR                                                                                                      9

Classification and working principle of various types of compressors, work of compression with and without   clearance,   Volumetric   efficiency,   Isothermal   efficiency   and   Isentropic   efficiency   of reciprocating compressors, Multistage air compressor and inter cooling –work of multistage air compressor


UNIT V            REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING                                                              9

Refrigerants - Vapour compression refrigeration cycle- super heat, sub cooling – Performance calculations - working principle of vapour absorption system, Ammonia –Water, Lithium bromide – water  systems  (Description  only)  .  Air  conditioning  system  -  Processes,  Types  and  Working Principles.  - Concept of RSHF, GSHF, ESHF- Cooling Load calculations.







  • Upon completion of this course, the students can able to apply the different gas power cycles and use of them in IC and R&AC applications.



  1. Rajput. R. K., “Thermal Engineering” S.Chand Publishers, 2000
  2. Kothandaraman.C.P., Domkundwar. S,Domkundwar. A.V., “A course in thermal Engineering", Fifth Edition, ”Dhanpat Rai & sons , 2002



  1. Sarkar, B.K,”Thermal Engineering” Tata McGraw-Hill Publishers, 2007
  2. Arora.C.P, ”Refrigeration and Air Conditioning ,” Tata McGraw-Hill Publishers 1994
  3. Ganesan V..” Internal Combustion Engines” , Third Edition, Tata Mcgraw-Hill 2007
  4. Rudramoorthy, R, “Thermal Engineering “,Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,2003
  5. Ramalingam. K.K., "Thermal Engineering", SCITECH Publications (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2009.


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