CY6251                                         ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY-II                                     L  T   P   C
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  • To make the students conversant with boiler feed water requirements, related problems and water treatment techniques.
  • Principles of electrochemical reactions, redox reactions in corrosiion of materials and methods for corrosion prevention and protection of materials.
  • Principles and generation of energy in batteries, nuclear reactors, solar cells, wind mills and fuel cells.
  • Preparation, properties and applications of engineering materials.
  • Types of fuels, calorific value calculations, manufacture of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels.

UNIT I           WATER TECHNOLOGY                                                                                                   9
Introduction to boiler feed water-requirements-formation of deposits in steam boilers and heat exchangers- disadvantages (wastage of fuels, decrease in efficiency, boiler explosion) prevention of scale formation -softening of hard water -external treatment zeolite and demineralization - internal treatment- boiler compounds (phosphate, calgon, carbonate, colloidal) - caustic embrittlement-boiler corrosion-priming and foaming- desalination of brackish water –reverse osmosis.

UNIT II         ELECTROCHEMISTRY AND CORROSION                                                                     9
Electrochemical cell  -  redox reaction,  electrode potential-  origin  of  electrode  potential-  oxidation potential- reduction potential, measurement and applications - electrochemical series and its significance - Nernst equation (derivation and problems). Corrosion- causes- factors- types-chemical, electrochemical corrosion (galvanic, differential aeration), corrosion control - material selection and design  aspects  -  electrochemical  protection  –  sacrificial  anode  method  and  impressed  current cathodic method. Paints- constituents and function. Electroplating of Copper and electroless plating of nickel.

UNIT III          ENERGY SOURCES                                                                                                       9
Introduction- nuclear energy- nuclear fission- controlled nuclear fission- nuclear fusion- differences between nuclear fission and fusion- nuclear chain reactions- nuclear reactor power generator- classification of nuclear reactor- light water reactor- breeder reactor- solar energy conversion- solar cells- wind energy. Batteries and fuel cells:Types of batteries- alkaline battery- lead storage battery- nickel-cadmium battery- lithium battery- fuel cell H2 -O2 fuel cell- applications.

UNIT IV         ENGINEERING MATERIALS                                                                                           9
Abrasives: definition, classification or types, grinding wheel, abrasive paper and cloth. Refractories: definition, characteristics, classification, properties – refractoriness and RUL, dimensional stability, thermal spalling, thermal expansion, porosity; Manufacture of alumina, magnesite and silicon carbide, Portland cement- manufacture and properties - setting and hardening of cement, special cement- waterproof and white cement–properties and uses. Glass - manufacture, types, properties and uses.

UNIT V          FUELS AND COMBUSTION                                                                                            9
Fuel:  Introduction- classification of fuels- calorific  value-  higher and  lower  calorific  values-  coal- analysis of coal (proximate and ultimate)- carbonization- manufacture of metallurgical coke (Otto Hoffmann method) - petroleum- manufacture of synthetic petrol (Bergius process)- knocking- octane number - diesel oil- cetane number - natural gas- compressed natural gas(CNG)- liquefied petroleum gases(LPG)-  producer  gas-  water  gas.  Power  alcohol  and  bio  diesel.  Combustion  of  fuels: introduction- theoretical calculation of calorific value- calculation of stoichiometry of fuel and air ratio- ignition temperature- explosive range - flue gas analysis (ORSAT Method).
The knowledge gained on engineering materials, fuels, energy sources and water treatment techniques will facilitate better understanding of engineering processes and applications for further learning.

  1. Vairam S, Kalyani P and Suba Ramesh.,“Engineering Chemistry”., Wiley India Pvt Ltd.,New
Delhi., 2011
  1. Dara S.S and Umare S.S. “Engineering Chemistry”, S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi ,

  1. Kannan P. and Ravikrishnan A., “Engineering Chemistry”, Sri Krishna Hi-tech Publishing
Company Pvt. Ltd. Chennai, 2009
  1. AshimaSrivastava and Janhavi N N., “Concepts of Engineering Chemistry”, ACME Learning
Private Limited., New Delhi., 2010.
  1. RenuBapna and Renu Gupta., “Engineering Chemistry”, Macmillan India Publisher Ltd., 2010.
  2. Pahari A and Chauhan B., “Engineering Chemistry”., Firewall Media., New Delhi., 2010


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