NotesKhan MG6851 Principles of Management - Syllabus-Semester VI-MECH-BE-Anna University MECH SEM VI Syllabus, MECH SYLLABUS




MG6851                                   PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT                                           L  T  P  C

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  • To enable the students to study the evolution of Management, to study the functions and principles of management and to learn the application of the principles in an organization .


UNIT I       INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONS                                         9

Definition of  Management – Science or Art – Manager Vs Entrepreneur - types of managers - managerial roles and skills – Evolution of Management – Scientific, human relations , system and contingency  approaches  –  Types  of  Business  organization  -  Sole  proprietorship,  partnership, company-public and private sector enterprises - Organization culture and Environment – Current trends and issues in Management.


UNIT II            PLANNING                                                                                                                      9

Nature and purpose of planning  – planning  process  –  types  of  planning  –  objectives  –  setting objectives – policies – Planning premises – Strategic Management – Planning Tools and Techniques

– Decision making steps and process.


UNIT III           ORGANISING                                                                                                                 9

Nature and purpose – Formal and informal organization – organization chart – organization structure


– types – Line and staff authority – departmentalization – delegation of authority – centralization and decentralization  –  Job  Design  -  Human  Resource  Management  –  HR  Planning,  Recruitment, selection, Training and Development, Performance Management , Career planning and management.


UNIT IV          DIRECTING                                                                                                                     9

Foundations of individual and group behaviour – motivation – motivation theories – motivational techniques – job satisfaction – job enrichment – leadership – types and theories of leadership – communication – process of communication – barrier in communication – effective communication – communication and IT.


UNIT V          CONTROLLING                                                                                                               9

System  and  process  of  controlling  – budgetary  and  non-budgetary  control techniques  –  use  of computers and IT in Management control – Productivity problems and management – control and performance – direct and preventive control – reporting.







  • Upon completion  of  the  course,  students  will  be  able  to  have  clear  understanding  of managerial functions like planning, organizing, staffing, leading & controlling and have same basic knowledge on international aspect of management



  1. Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter, “Management”, Prentice Hall (India)Pvt. Ltd., 10th Edition,


  1. JAF  Stoner,  Freeman  R.E  and  Daniel  R  Gilbert  “Management”,  6th  Edition,  Pearson

Education, 2004.



  1. Stephen A. Robbins & David A. Decenzo & Mary Coulter, “Fundamentals of Management”

7th Edition, Pearson Education, 2011.

  1. Robert Kreitner & Mamata Mohapatra, “ Management”, Biztantra, 2008.
  2. Harold Koontz & Heinz Weihrich, “Essentials of Management”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1998.
  3. Tripathy PC & Reddy PN, “Principles of Management”, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 1999


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