NotesKhan ME6504 Metrology and Measurements - Syllabus-Semester V-MECH-BE-Anna University MECH SEM V Syllabus, MECH SYLLABUS




ME6504                            METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENTS                                         L  T  P  C

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  • To provide knowledge on various Metrological equipments available to measure the dimension of the components.
  • To provide knowledge on the correct procedure to be adopted to measure the dimension of the components.


UNIT I             .BASICS OF METROLOGY                                                                                            5

Introduction to Metrology – Need – Elements – Work piece, Instruments – Persons – Environment – their effect on Precision and Accuracy – Errors – Errors in Measurements – Types – Control – Types of standards.


UNIT II            LINEAR AND ANGULAR MEASUREMENTS                                                              10

Linear Measuring Instruments – Evolution – Types – Classification – Limit gauges – gauge design – terminology  –  procedure  –  concepts  of  interchange  ability  and  selective  assembly  –  Angular measuring instruments – Types – Bevel protractor clinometers angle gauges, spirit levels sine bar – Angle alignment telescope – Autocollimator – Applications.


UNIT III           ADVANCES IN METROLOGY                                                                                     12

Basic concept of lasers Advantages of lasers – laser Interferometers – types – DC and AC Lasers interferometer – Applications – Straightness – Alignment.  Basic concept of CMM – Types of CMM – Constructional features – Probes – Accessories  –  Software  –  Applications  –  Basic  concepts of Machine Vision System – Element – Applications.


UNIT IV          FORM MEASUREMENT                                                                                               10

Principles and Methods of straightness – Flatness measurement – Thread measurement, gear measurement, surface finish measurement, Roundness measurement – Applications.


UNIT V           MEASUREMENT OF POWER, FLOW AND TEMPERATURE                                      8

Force, torque, power -  mechanical , Pneumatic, Hydraulic and Electrical type.  Flow measurement: Venturimeter, Orifice meter, rotameter, pitot tube – Temperature: bimetallic strip, thermocouples, electrical resistance thermometer – Reliability and Calibration – Readability and Reliability.



  • Upon completion  of  this  course,  the  Students  can  demonstrate  different  measurement technologies and use of them in Industrial Components



  1. Jain R.K. “Engineering Metrology”, Khanna Publishers, 2005.
  2. Gupta. I.C., “Engineering Metrology”, Dhanpatrai Publications, 2005.



  1. Charles  Reginald  Shotbolt,  “Metrology  for  Engineers”,  5th    edition,  Cengage  Learning


  1. Backwith, Marangoni, Lienhard, “Mechanical Measurements”, Pearson Education , 2006.


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