NotesKhan ME6501 Computer Aided Design - Syllabus-Semester V-MECH-BE-Anna University MECH SEM V Syllabus, MECH SYLLABUS




ME6501                                         COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN                                            L  T  P  C

3 0  0 3


  • To provide an overview of how computers are being used in mechanical component design


UNIT I             FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTER GRAPHICS                                                           9

Product cycle- Design process- sequential and concurrent engineering- Computer aided design – CAD system architecture- Computer graphics – co-ordinate systems- 2D and 3D transformations- homogeneous coordinates - Line drawing -Clipping- viewing transformation


UNIT II            GEOMETRIC MODELING                                                                                              9

Representation of curves- Hermite curve- Bezier curve- B-spline curves-rational curves-Techniques for surface modeling – surface patch- Coons and bicubic patches- Bezier and B-spline surfaces. Solid modeling techniques- CSG and B-rep


UNIT III           VISUAL REALISM                                                                                                          9

Hidden – Line-Surface-Solid removal algorithms – shading – colouring – computer animation.


UNIT IV          ASSEMBLY OF PARTS                                                                                                  9

Assembly modelling – interferences of positions and orientation – tolerance analysis-massproperty calculations – mechanism simulation and interference checking.


UNIT V           CAD STANDARDS                                                                                                        9

Standards for computer graphics- Graphical Kernel System (GKS) - standards for exchangeimages- Open Graphics Library (OpenGL) - Data exchange standards - IGES, STEP, CALSetc. - communication standards.







  • Upon completion of this course, the students can able to use computer and CAD software's for modeling of mechanical components



  1. Ibrahim Zeid “Mastering CAD CAM” Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.2007



  1. Chris McMahon  and  Jimmie  Browne  “CAD/CAM Principles",  "Practice  and  Manufacturing management “ Second Edition, Pearson Education, 1999.
  2. William M Neumann and Robert F.Sproul “Principles of Computer Graphics”, McGraw Hill

Book Co. Singapore, 1989.

  1. Donald Hearn and M. Pauline Baker “Computer Graphics”’. Prentice Hall, Inc, 1992.
  2. Foley, Wan Dam, Feiner and Hughes - "Computer graphics principles & practice" Pearson

Education - 2003.



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