GE6152                                              ENGINEERING GRAPHICS                                         L  T   P C
2  0   3  4
  • To develop in students, graphic skills for communication of concepts, ideas and design of
Engineering products
  • To expose them to existing national standards related to technical drawings.

CONCEPTS AND CONVENTIONS (Not for Examination)                                                                  1
Importance   of   graphics   in   engineering   applications   –   Use   of   drafting   instruments   –  BIS conventions and specifications – Size, layout and folding of drawing sheets – Lettering and dimensioning.

UNIT I            PLANE CURVES AND FREE HAND SKETCHING                                                  5+9
Basic Geometrical constructions, Curves used in engineering practices:  Conics – Construction of ellipse, parabola and hyperbola by eccentricity method – Construction of cycloid – construction of involutes of  square and circle – Drawing of tangents and normal to the above  curves,  Scales: Construction of Diagonal and Vernier scales.
Visualization concepts and Free Hand sketching: Visualization principles –Representation of Three Dimensional objects – Layout of views- Free hand  sketching of multiple views from pictorial views of objects

UNIT II            PROJECTION OF POINTS, LINES AND PLANE SURFACES                               5+ 9
Orthographic projection- principles-Principal planes-First angle projection-projection of points. Projection of straight lines (only First angle projections) inclined to both the principal planes  - Determination of true lengths and t r ue inclinations by rotating line method  and traces Projection of planes  (polygonal and circular surf aces ) inclined to both the principal planes by rotating object method.

UNIT III           PROJECTION OF SOLIDS                                                                                        5+9
Projection of simple solids like prisms, pyramids, cylinder, cone and truncated solids when the axis is inclined to one of the principal planes by rotating object method and auxiliary plane method.

SURFACES                                                                                                               5+9
Sectioning of above solids in simple vertical position when the cutting plane is inclined to the one of the principal planes and perpendicular to the other – obtaining true shape of section. Development of lateral surfaces of simple and sectioned solids – Prisms, pyramids cylinders and cones. Development of lateral surfaces of solids with cut-outs and holes

UNIT V           ISOMETRIC AND PERSPECTIVE PROJECTIONS                                                  6+9
Principles  of  isometric projection  – isometric scale  –Isometric projections of   simple  solids and truncated solids - Prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones-   combination of two solid objects in simple vertical positions and  miscellaneous   problems. Perspective  projection of  simple  solids-Prisms, pyramids and   cylinders by visual ray method .

COMPUTER AIDED DRAFTING (Demonstration Only)                                                                     3
Introduction to drafting packages and demonstration of their use.

On Completion of the course the student will be able to:


  • Perform free hand sketching of basic geometrical constructions and multiple views of objects.
  • Do orthographic projection of lines and plane surfaces.
  • Draw projections and solids and development of surfaces.
  • Prepare isometric and perspective sections of simple solids.
  • Demonstrate computer aided drafting

  1. Bhatt N.D.  and  Panchal  V.M.,  “Engineering  Drawing”,  Charotar  Publishing  House,  50th
Edition, 2010.

  1. Gopalakrishna K.R.,  “Engineering  Drawing”  (Vol.  I&II  combined),  Subhas  Stores,  Bangalore,
  1. Luzzader, Warren.J.  and  Duff,John  M.,  “Fundamentals  of  Engineering  Drawing  with  an
introduction to Interactive Computer Graphics   for Design and Production, Eastern Economy
Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2005.
  1. Shah M.B., and Rana B.C., “Engineering Drawing”, Pearson, 2nd Edition, 2009.
  2. Venugopal K. and Prabhu Raja V., “Engineering Graphics”,  New Age
International (P) Limited, 2008.
  1. Natrajan K.V., “A text  book  of  Engineering  Graphics”,  Dhanalakshmi
Publishers, Chennai, 2009.
  1. Basant Agarwal and Agarwal C.M., “Engineering Drawing”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi, 2008.

Publication of Bureau of Indian Standards:
  1. IS 10711 – 2001: Technical products Documentation – Size and lay out of drawing sheets.
  2. IS 9609 (Parts 0 & 1) – 2001: Technical products Documentation – Lettering.
  3. IS 10714 (Part 20) – 2001 & SP 46 – 2003: Lines for technical drawings.
  4. IS 11669 – 1986 & SP 46 – 2003: Dimensioning of Technical Drawings.
  5. IS 15021 (Parts 1 to 4) – 2001: Technical drawings – Projection Methods.

Special points applicable to University Examinations on Engineering  Graphics:
  1. 1. There will be five questions, each of either or type covering all units of the syllabus.
  2. All questions will carry equal marks of 20 each making a total of 100.
  3. The answer  paper  shall  consist  of  drawing  sheets of  A3  size  only.  The students will be permitted to use appropriate scale to fit solution within A3  size.
  4. The examination will be conducted in appropriate sessions on the same day


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