NotesKhan GE6083 Disaster Management - Syllabus-Semester VII-Elective-MECH-BE-Anna University MECH SEM VII Syllabus, MECH SYLLABUS




GE6083                                 DISASTER MANAGEMENT                                                 L T  P  C

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  • To provide students an exposure to disasters, their significance and types.
  • To ensure that students begin to understand the relationship between vulnerability, disasters, disaster prevention and risk reduction
  • To gain a preliminary understanding of approaches of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
  • To enhance awareness of institutional processes in the country and
  • To develop rudimentary ability to respond to their surroundings with potential disaster response in areas where they live, with due sensitivity


UNIT I             INTRODUCTION TO DISASTERS                                                                               9

Definition: Disaster, Hazard, Vulnerability, Resilience, Risks – Disasters: Types of disasters – Earthquake, Landslide, Flood, Drought, Fire etc -   Classification, Causes, Impacts including social, economic, political, environmental, health, psychosocial, etc.- Differential impacts- in terms of caste, class, gender,  age,  location,  disability -  Global trends  in  disasters:  urban  disasters,  pandemics, complex emergencies, Climate change- Dos and Don’ts during various types of Disasters.


UNIT II            APPROACHES TO DISASTER RISK REDUCTION (DRR)                                          9

Disaster cycle - Phases, Culture of safety, prevention, mitigation and preparedness community based DRR, Structural- nonstructural measures, Roles and responsibilities of- community, Panchayati Raj Institutions/Urban Local Bodies (PRIs/ULBs), States, Centre, and other stake-holders- Institutional Processess   and   Framework   at   State   and   Central   Level-       State   Disaster   Management Authority(SDMA) – Early Warning System – Advisories from Appropriate Agencies.



Factors affecting Vulnerabilities, differential impacts, impact of Development projects such as dams, embankments, changes in Land-use etc.- Climate Change Adaptation- IPCC Scenario and Scenarios in the context of India -   Relevance of indigenous knowledge, appropriate technology and local resources.


UNIT IV          DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT IN INDIA                                                                  9

Hazard and Vulnerability profile of India, Components of Disaster Relief: Water, Food, Sanitation, Shelter,   Health,   Waste   Management,   Institutional   arrangements   (Mitigation,   Response   and


Preparedness, Disaster Management Act and Policy -  Other related policies, plans, programmes and legislation  –  Role  of  GIS  and  Information  Technology  Components  in  Preparedness,  Risk Assessment, Response and Recovery Phases of Disaster – Disaster Damage Assessment.


UNIT V           DISASTER MANAGEMENT: APPLICATIONS AND CASE STUDIES AND FIELD WORKS                                                                                                                          9

Landslide Hazard Zonation: Case Studies, Earthquake Vulnerability Assessment of Buildings and

Infrastructure: Case Studies, Drought Assessment: Case Studies, Coastal Flooding: Storm Surge Assessment, Floods: Fluvial and Pluvial Flooding: Case Studies; Forest Fire: Case Studies, Man Made disasters: Case Studies, Space Based Inputs for Disaster Mitigation and Management and field works related to disaster management.




The students will be able to




  • Differentiate the types of disasters, causes and their impact on environment and society
  • Assess vulnerability and various methods of risk reduction measures as well as mitigation.
  • Draw the hazard and vulnerability profile of India, Scenarious in the Indian context, Disaster damage assessment and management.



  1. Singhal J.P. “Disaster Management”, Laxmi Publications, 2010. ISBN-10: 9380386427 ISBN-

13: 978-9380386423

  1. Tushar Bhattacharya, “Disaster Science and Management”, McGraw Hill India Education Pvt.

Ltd., 2012. ISBN-10: 1259007367, ISBN-13: 978-1259007361]

  1. Gupta Anil K, Sreeja S. Nair.  Environmental Knowledge for Disaster Risk  Management, NIDM, New Delhi, 2011
  2. Kapur Anu Vulnerable India: A Geographical Study of Disasters, IIAS and Sage Publishers, New Delhi, 2010.



  1. Govt. of India: Disaster Management Act , Government of India, New Delhi, 2005
  2. Government of India, National Disaster Management Policy,2009.



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