HS6151                                                 TECHNICAL ENGLISH I                                         L T  P  C
3 1  0   4
·       To enable learners of Engineering and Technology develop their basic communication skills in
·       To emphasize specially the development of speaking skills amongst learners of Engineering and
·       To ensure that learners use the electronic media such as internet and supplement the learning materials used in the classroom.
·       To inculcate the habit of reading and writing leading to effective and efficient communication.

UNIT I                                                                                                                                                9+3
Listening - Introducing learners to GIE -  Types of listening -  Listening to audio (verbal & sounds); Speaking - Speaking about ones place, important festivals etc. Introducing oneself, ones family / friend; Reading - Skimming a reading passage Scanning for specific information - Note-making; Writing - Free writing on any given topic (My favourite place / Hobbies / School life, etc.) - Sentence completion - Autobiographical writing (writing about ones leisure time activities, hometown, etc.); Grammar - Prepositions -  Reference words - Wh-questions -  Tenses (Simple); Vocabulary - Word formation - Word expansion (root words / etymology); E-materials - Interactive exercises for Grammar
& Vocabulary - Reading comprehension exercises - Listening to audio files and answering questions.

UNIT II                                                                                                                                                9+3
Listening - Listening and responding to video lectures / talks; Speaking - Describing a simple process (filling a form, etc.) - Asking and answering questions - Telephone skills Telephone etiquette; Reading Critical reading  Finding key information in a given text -   Sifting facts from opinions; Writing - Biographical writing (place, people) -  Process descriptions (general/specific) -  Definitions - Recommendations Instructions; Grammar - Use of imperatives  Subject-verb agreement; Vocabulary - Compound words -  Word Association (connotation); E-materials - Interactive exercises for Grammar and Vocabulary -  Listening exercises with sample telephone conversations / lectures – Picture-based activities.

UNIT III                                                                                                                                               9+3
Listening - Listening to specific tas - focused audio tracks; Speaking - Role-play Simulation - Group interaction -  Speaking in formal situations (teachers, officials, foreigners); Reading - Reading and interpreting visual material; Writing - Jumbled sentences -  Coherence and cohesion in writing - Channel conversion (flowchart into process) -  Types of paragraph (cause and effect / compare and contrast / narrative / analytical)  Informal writing (letter/e-mail/blogs) -   Paraphrasing; Grammar - Tenses (Past) -   Use of sequence words -   Adjectives; Vocabulary - Different forms and uses of words, Cause and effect words; E-materials - Interactive exercises for Grammar and Vocabulary - Excerpts from films related to the theme and follow up exercises -  Pictures of flow charts and tables for interpretations.

UNIT IV                                                                                                                                               9+3
Listening - Watching videos / documentaries and responding to questions based on them; Speaking - Responding to questions - Different forms of interviews - Speaking at different types of interviews; Reading - Making inference from the reading passage -  Predicting the content of a reading passage; Writing - Interpreting visual materials (line graphs, pie charts etc.) - Essay writing Different types of essays; Grammar - Adverbs Tenses future time reference; Vocabulary - Single word substitutes - Use of abbreviations and acronyms; E-materials - Interactive exercises for Grammar and Vocabulary - Sample interviews -  film scenes - dialogue writing.

UNIT V                                                                                                                                                9+3
Listening - Listening to different accents, Listening to Speeches/Presentations, Listening to broadcast and telecast from Radio and TV; Speaking - Giving impromptu talks,  Making presentations on given topics; Reading - Email communication - Reading the attachment files having a poem/joke/proverb - Sending their responses through email; Writing - Creative writing, Poster making; Grammar - Direct and indirect speech; Vocabulary - Lexical items (fixed / semi fixed expressions); E-materials - Interactive exercises for Grammar and Vocabulary - Sending emails with attachment Audio / video excerpts of different accents - Interpreting posters.

Learners should be able to

TOTAL (L:45+T:15): 60 PERIODS

·          Speak clearly, confidently, comprehensibly, and communicate with one or many listeners using appropriate communicative strategies.
·          Write cohesively and coherently and flawlessly avoiding grammatical errors, using a wide vocabulary range, organizing their ideas logically on a topic.
·           Read different genres of texts adopting various reading strategies.
·           Listen/view and comprehend different spoken discourses/excerpts in different accents

1.        Department  of  English,  Anna  University.   Mindscapes:  English  for  Technologists  and
Engineers. Orient Blackswan, Chennai. 2012
2.        Dhanavel, S.P. English and Communication Skills for Students of Science and Engineering.
Orient Blackswan, Chennai. 2011

1.        Raman, Meenakshi & Sangeetha Sharma. Technical Communication: Principles and Practice.
Oxford University Press, New Delhi. 2011.
2.        Regional Institute of English. English for Engineers. Cambridge University Press, New Delhi.
3.        Rizvi, Ashraf. M. Effective Technical Communication. Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi. 2005
4.        Rutherford, Andrea. J Basic Communication Skills for Technology. Pearson, New Delhi. 2001.
5.        Viswamohan, Aysha. English for Technical Communication. Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.

EXTENSIVE Reading (Not for Examination)
1.        Kalam, Abdul. Wings of Fire. Universities Press, Hyderabad. 1999.

1.        http://www.usingenglish.com
2.        http://www.uefap.com

·           Lectures
·          Activities conducted individually, in pairs and in groups like self introduction, peer introduction, group poster making, grammar and vocabulary games, etc.
·           Discussions
·           Role play activities
·           Short presentations
·          Listening and viewing activities with follow up activities like discussion, filling up worksheets, writing exercises (using language lab wherever necessary/possible) etc.


Internal assessment: 20%
3 tests of which two are pen and paper tests and the other is a combination of different modes of assessment like
·    Project
·    Assignment
·    Reviews
·    Creative writing
·    Poster making, etc.

All the four skills are to be tested with equal weightage given to each.
ü   Speaking  assessment:  Individual  speaking  activities,  Pair  work  activities  like  role  play, Interview, Group discussions
ü   Reading assessment: Reading passages with comprehension questions graded from simple to complex, from direct to inferential
ü   Writing assessment: Writing paragraphs, essays etc. Writing should include grammar and vocabulary.
ü   Listening/Viewing assessment: Lectures, dialogues, film clippings with questions on verbal as well as audio/visual content.

End Semester Examination: 80%


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